Chris Potter Land

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Here's a series of pictures that Joy and I took with Noah in the PhotoBooth at the mall. It was probably about 3 years ago. Look how cute he is!

Remember When?

I discovered a few of these older pictures while browsing around my hard drive. Here's a cute one of little Ryan with an old football.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Here comes the Choo Choo!

Ryan enjoying another Kiddie Ride at the Carnival last week.

More Carnival Fun!

Here are the boys riding some kind of Transformer's Robot Ride. Noah looks a little bored....

Jose Ole!

Here's Ryan with Katie's new dog, "Jose". Or, did I convince her to name him "Pedro" after the character in Napoleon Dynamite? Anyway, Ryan absolutely LOVES this dog. He wouldn't put him down all day!


Here's a nice picture that I got of Ryan going down the big slide at "Clown Town". Just one of the many rides at the Barnard Carnival this year. Everyone had fun. Including Lexi. I think....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Fun in the Pool!

Ryan and Jake having fun in the pool. Ah, to be young again!